- Very common disease in our country
- Outbreaks are known to occur from time to time
- Pollution & Insanitary condition
- Present in animals except S.Typhi
- Transmitted by food, water, Milk
- May be directly from one person to another
- Caused by Salmonella Group of Organisms
- Reservoir are animals except for S.Typhi which is seen only in human beings
- There are 2000 Serotypes
- Faeco-oral route
- Tranmission through food, Flies & Fomites
- It involves Payer’s patches of small Intestines
- Fever is most common presenting symptom
- Fever is step ladder pattern
- Onset is insidious
- There is Malaise, Headache, Cough, Drowsiness & Bodyaches
- Constipation common
- Relative Bradycardia
- Rash may appear on fifth day
- Toxaemia is Max. in 2nd Week
- Spleen is palpable
- Toxaemia increases in 3rd Week
- Coma may set in & may lead to death
- Antibiotics give the best results
- Carriers are well known
- Complete Blood Leukopenia Increase in Lympho
- Blood Culture +ve first week
- Widal’s Test 2nd Week Rising titer is diagnostic
- Urine & Stool Culture
- Perforation
- Haemorrhage
- Osteomyelitis
- Meningitis
- Myocarditis
- Pneumonia
- Nephritis
- Hepatitis
- General Management :- Analgesics for fever, Antiemetics (Perinorm) for vomiting
- Antibiotics Ciproflxacillin 500mg BD
- Cotrimoxazole
- Amoxycillin
- Carrier Ciproflox for 4 weeks
- Prevention - Vaccination