- Variability of pain caused by similar injuries.
- Psychological variability.
- Even suggestions of pain relief helpful.
- Existing brain circuits modulate pain transmission pathways.
- One of these circuits has links with hypothalamus, midbrain, medulla oblongata.
- This pathway selectively controls spinal pain transmission neurons through descending pathways.
- Attention, suggestion and opiods work and modulate pain through this pathway.
- Endogenous opiod peptides such as enkephalins and endorphins work through this pathway.
- Prolonged pain and fear are the most reliable activating factors for endogenous opiod pathway.
- Released during surgical procedures and even by placebo.
Pain modulating circuits can suppress and enhance pain.
- Both pain-inhibiting and pain-facilitating neurons in the medulla project to and control spinal pain transmission. Hence pain can be generated without any peripheral nocuous stimuli.
- Increased activity of these circuits is seen during migraine.
- Pain can also be induced by suggestions-psychological factors contribute to pain.
- Lesions in central and peripheral pathways results in loss or impairment of pain sensation.
- Paradoxically the damage may also produce pain- diabetic neuropathy, herpes zoster.
- Also damage to spinothalamic tract or thalamus can also produce pain.
- Severe and notoriously intractable to standart treatment.
- Unusually burning, tingling or electric shock like quality.
- Examination-Sensory deficit in the area of pain.
- Hyperpathia/allodynia.
- Topical preprations (5% lidocaine) helpful.
- Sensitized primary afferent neurons.
- Damaged primary afferent neurons.
- Sensitized nociceptors.-generate impulses in absence of stimulus.
- Increased concentration of sodium channels.
- Sensitivity to norepinephrine.
Sympathetically Maintained Pain
- Causalgia in peripheral nerve injury.
- Pain often begins after a delay of hours to days or even weeks.
- Pain accompanied by swelling of extremity, periarticular osteoporosis and arthritic changes in distal joints.
- Pain relief by sympathetic blockages.
Similar events- reflex sympathetic dystrophy- without nerve damage including fractures, soft tissue injuries, MI, stroke.
Treatment :
- History, Evaluate, examine.
- Remove cause.
- Analgesics NSAIDS, Opiods
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