Reduction of signs or symptoms of C or L spinal compression
Utilize maximal traction with minimal force
- Body position:prone, supine,hip position, bilateral, or unilateral direction of pull
- Force used
- Intermittent traction:traction time and rest time
- Sustained traction
- Duration of treatment
- Progressive steps
- Regressive steps
Patient instruction
Explain to patient
Position Pt.
C spine can be done in sitting or supine.Supine provides increased relaxation, vertebral separation and easier countertraction
L traction can be done supine or prone
Angle of Pull
C spine Occiput ( C1-C2) 0-5 degrees flexion
- Mid. Cervical (C2-C5) 10-20 flexion
- Low cervical (C5-C7) 25-30 flexion
Effects on Cervical Flexion
Rope Angle
– To effect 25-30 degrees of flexion on the neck the rope angle will need to approach 45 degrees due to the flexibility of the rope resulting in a sagging with the weight of the head
– The angle is 0, or flat for atlanto-occipital and atlanto-axial traction
Inter vertebral Encroachment
Flex, and SB toward unaffected side and rotation toward affected side
Disc- C spine neutral. Want ligaments to be lax and allow better distraction
Cervical Traction
Application of a longitudinal force to the C-spine & structures
Tension applied can be expressed in pounds or % of patient’s body weight.
At 7% of patient’s body weight, vertebral separation begins
Human head accounts for 8.1% of body weight (8-14 lbs.)
Greater amount of force is needed widen areas
You want force to be about 20% of body weight
Cervical Traction Positioning
Seated – a greater force is needed to apply the same pressure (due to gravity) than if supine
Supine – support lumbar region (bend knees, use knee elevator, or hang lower legs over end of table & place feet on chair); allows musculature to relax
Effects of Cervical Traction :
- Reduces pain & paresthesia associated w/ n. root impingement & m. spasm
- Reduces amount of pressure on n. roots & allows separation of vertebrae to result in decompression of disks.
Effectiveness of Cervical Traction:
Cervical traction has been linked to 5 mechanical factors
- Position of the neck
- Force of applied traction
- Duration of traction
- Angle of pull
- Position of patient
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