Embolic infarction
This is one of the most common cause of stroke. In most cases of cerebral embolism, the embolic material consists of a fragment that has broken away from a thrombus within the heart. Embolism due to fat, tumor cells, fibrocartilage, amniotic fluid, or air is a rare occurrence and seldom enters into the differential diagnosis of stroke.
Embolic infarction
This is one of the most common cause of stroke. In most cases of cerebral embolism, the embolic material consists of a fragment that has broken away from a thrombus within the heart. Embolism due to fat, tumor cells, fibrocartilage, amniotic fluid, or air is a rare occurrence and seldom enters into the differential diagnosis of stroke.
Clinical Picture
Of all strokes, those due to cerebral embolism develop most rapidly. The embolus strikes at any time of the day or night. Getting up to go to the bathroom is a time of danger. The neurologic picture will depend on the artery involved and the site of obstruction.
It is important to repeat that an embolus may produce a severe neurologic deficit that is only temporary; symptoms disappear as the embolus fragments. In other words , embolism is a common cause of a single evanescent stroke that may reasonably be called a prolonged TIA. Also as already pointed out, several emboli can give rise to two or three transient attacks of differing pattern or , rarely , of almost identical pattern.
Causes of cerebral embolism:
Cardiac origin
Noncardiac origin
Undetermined origin
Laboratory Findings
Not infrequently the first sign of myocardial infarction is the occurrence of embolism; therefore it is advisable that an ECG and echocardiogram be obtained in all patients with stroke of uncertain origin. Prolonged study of heart rhythm with Holter monitoring should be undertaken.
In some 30 percent of cases, cerebral embolism produces a hemorrhagic infarction. CT scanning or MRI may be helpful in showing the more intense hemorrhagic infarcts, particularly if the scan is repeated on the second or third day.
Course and prognosis
Most patients survive the initial insult, and in many the neurologic deficit may recede relatively rapidly, as indicated above. The eventual prognosis is determined by the occurrence of further emboli and the gravity of the underlying illness- cardiac failure myocardial infarction, bacterial endocarditis and so on.
Treatment and prevention
Three phases of therapy : General medical management in the acute phase, Measures directed to restoring the circulation Physical therapy and rehabilitation These are much the same as described above the prevention of atherothrombotic infarction.
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